Sunday, July 15, 1990


A secretive glance, a nervous smile.
At once, warmth floods your body
And you shyly look away.
The confidence you had to smile
Has suddenly been replaced by nervous anticipation.

You try to avert your mind, to resume concentration.
But all that keeps flashing through your mind is his image,
The image that reflects its warmth in your own countenance.

Somehow your world has changed,
Offering new hope and heartened challenges.
No longer is the image just in your mind,
It has materialized within arms reach.
But there is fear.

Fear that yearns to draw you together
And yet holds you apart.
Cautiously your fingers extend just enough to touch his.
You look for compassion in his face.
As he looks at you, your fear evaporates
And you embrace each others’ courage.

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