Wednesday, July 14, 1999

You are...

You are the relieving sigh
At the end of trying day.
You are the warmth of the sun
As it lights my face
In the crisp, clear, deep blue skies
Of a brisk autumn day.
You are the earthy, soothing, smoky smell
Of a fire burning in some distant hearth.
You are a cool, gentle breeze
On the hottest of summer days.
You are a warm, soft towel
Wrapped around a cool, wet body,
Providing dry warmth.

You are the smile on your little girl's face,
The twinkling light in her blue eyes,
The laughter that crosses her lips.
You are the golden glow of energy
That radiates from her tiny body.
You are her soft fingertips
Held gently against my cheek.
You are the awe and wonder
I see on her face,
Day after day.

You are my partner.
You are my passion.
You share my hopes and dreams.
You are my confidante.
You hear my deepest, darkest secrets.
You hear my fears.
You are the reason I can cry without worry.
You are the reason I feel safe at night.
You are the reason I feel loved.

You are the reason for my love.

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